Every year Beals Street in Brookline is jammed full of trick-or-treaters from all-parts of Brookline
By Bryant Jones, Chronicle Staff, Nov. 1st, 2019

BROOKLINE, MA – Every year, hundreds of children pour onto Beals Street in JFK Crossing, marching up and down the narrow street until they get their fill. The street has become so popular, Brookline Police have blocked it off from traffic for the past thirteen years, leaving residents to find parking elsewhere.

The first town-sanctioned Beals Street Halloween began in 2006 as the inspiration of Rob Harris, a Halloween enthusiast and father or two who lived on nearby Stedman Street (Stedman Street runs runs parallel to Beals Street and connects to Harvard Street). In 2005, he petitioned the town to close Beals Street during peak trick-or-treating hours, when throngs of costumed children spill into the narrow street. “It was getting to a point where it was getting unsafe for the kids,” he said. “In my opinion, it was an accident waiting to happen.”

Every year since, the Halloween on Beals Street has been spectacular and this year was no different. Chronicle staff encountered throngs of kids decked out in Halloween fan-fair as well decorated houses. Even the JFK House got in on the Halloween magic.
This year the Brookline Police blocked off Beals Street as well as part of Stedman Street. Please enjoy our pictures of this year’s celebration.